Contemporary Political Ideologies Sargent Pdf Printer

Contemporary Political Ideologies Sargent Pdf Printer

Sharp Ar 5516 Printer Driver. Required text: Contemporary Political Ideologies: A Comparative Analysis by Lyman Tower Sargent. Students also read additional material from primary sources, including • Alexis de Tocqueville, “Democracy and Equality”.

“Supplement your older students’ study of politics with these readings. Great for practice [in] identifying worldview, underlying assumptions, and logical fallacies.” – Leigh Bortins, author of The Core: Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), from her blog, 16 June 2010 first posted 17 April 2010; last revised 5 July 2011 Fifty Contemporary Political Ideologies by Mark Satin I thought you’d enjoy seeing my list of the 50 most significant modern and contemporary political ideologies. Students and teachers may find it especially valuable (it worked well in classes I guest-taught for Prof. Americ Azevedo in the Peace and Conflict Studies Department at UC-Berkeley over the 2009-11 academic years. I stated that my lectures were about 'life and political ideologies'... Hp Regulatory Model Fclsd 0508 Manual Transfer more. A broader topic even than what this page encompasses!). Along with each ideology below, I’ve suggested three readings.

Most are by co-creators or advocates of the ideology at issue (please remember this!), and nearly all were written in our 21st century. All are freely available on the Web -- just click on the blue titles below. Needless to say, no reading is – or can be – perfectly representative of a political ideology, which is typically the construction of a myriad of scholars and activists and is anyway never finally set in stone; hopefully, each reading here will prompt you to dig deeper in the literature. I constructed this list, aka my “global ideology map,” out of my experiences as an activist and political journalist. (Over the years I have engaged with exponents of nearly every ideology below, and have made substantial contributions to three ideologies: radical centrism, through my book Radical Middle, Basic Books, 2004; transformationalism, through my book New Age Politics, Dell Publishing Co., 1979; and deep-green ecologism, as designated co-drafter – with Charlene Spretnak – of the original version of the U.S.

Green Party’s foundational statement, “Ten Key Values.”) Feel free to use this list in any way you like. I am using it as the basis for a book I’m writing (on the disintegration of modern and contemporary political ideologies and the future of social change), so please, if you do make use of this list, give me credit or cite or link to this Web page. Thanks in advance, and enjoy! Please feel free to suggest arguably more significant ideologies to me, or to recommend arguably more pertinent readings. I can be reached at msatin (at) mindspring (dot) com.

Also in this series: • • • PREFACE A. Why Ideology?: Slavoj Zizek, “,” New York Times, 9 Nov. Why Political Theory?: Fred Dallmayr, “Political Theory and Civilizational Dialogue,” Chap. 3-6] in Dallmayr & Abbas Manoochehri, eds.,, 2007 C. Human Nature, I (quasi-tragic vision): Steven Pinker interviewed by John Brockman, “,” Edge Foundation website, 9 Sept. Human Nature, II (blue-sky vision): Dacher Keltner, ',' Altruists International website, 29 Sept. 2006 INTRODUCTION A.

Understanding Ideology: Manfred Steger, “,” pp. 1-5 in Steger, The Rise of the Global Imaginary, 2008 [after you click on this link, you’ll need to type “Social Imaginaries” into the search box] B. Creating Ideology, I (bottom-up): Lawrence Goodwyn, “,” pp. 20-35 in Goodwyn, The Populist Moment, 1978 C.

Creating Ideology, II (young turks): Todd Gitlin, “” pp. 171-88 in Gitlin, The Sixties, rev. 1993 [after you click on this link, you’ll need to type “Name the System” into the search box] D. Creating Ideology, III (top-down): Cheng Chen, “,” conference paper, American Political Science Association, Aug. 2009 [after you click on this link, you’ll need to click on the box marked 'One-Click Download' and then on the box marked “Chicago Booth”] I. Left Anarchism (communalist polity): Murray Bookchin, “,” Harbinger, 1 Sep.