Attachment Using Ajax Php Script
Thanks for immediate reply I checked the this row `$my_path = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’].”/your_path_here/”;` My directory structure is like this: `www. Com/ foldername/` When I try with static link it gives warnings: `Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for www. Com/foldername/ on line 191 Warning: fopen(www.

I have created a program to send email with attachment. Fabietti Ugo Elementi Di Antropologia Culturelle Pdf Printer. First I create it without ajax. Then it worked properly. But when I used jquery ajax for it not work. When I click apply button nothing happe.
Com/foldername/ [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource` Any idea? Sorry, I can’t say exactly how you need to do this in Windows:( (I use windows only to work in Adobe Photoshop) First you need to find a way to handle those paths in PHP on windows. I’m sure Google has a lot of information on that. On Linux I have one file (config.php) in the doc root, creating this constant variable: `define(‘DOC_ROOT’, dirname(__FILE__). Cara Software Hp Blackberry 9220. ’/’);` Next I include this file in my PHP scripts, let’s say the script is one level above the root I use `include_once ‘./config.php’` After including that file I’m able to use the variable DOC_ROOT in my scripts.
This way the server variable DOCUMENT_ROOT is not needed anymore. Brother Dcp 135c Printer Installation here. I hope that helps.