Canon Rebel Raw Codec
Hi Apetala, We would require additional information for better clarity on the issue. As these are raw files, they might not be supported on Window Photo Viewer. You may try using Windows 10 Photos App to check if it helps. Further I suggest you to download the utility software for the Canon camera on the computer, which might allow you to view and access the raw picture files. Hope you are able to access the raw images. Do get back in case you need further help.

Thanks & Regards, Pawan Dhondiyal Microsoft Community.
Reserve your copy of Windows 10 now freaking thing bugs me on every system update. I would try it if I knew it wouldn't make all my current working software obsolete. As usual with a new MS OS, it may take a while till the world catches up. One of the reasons I hate moving to a new OS, it makes all your software and what works now, hit or miss on the new system.
I was disappointed when my Photoshop CS3 would not work on Windows 8 and Adobe simply said they don't support old software on a new OS that that software was not designed for, it did not matter how ridiculously expensive that software was either. It may be a long time till I upgrade simply for the sake of MS getting me on-board with their new marketing strategy. Keep checking Canons's driver support website. The sneaky people at Microsoft dumped 10 on me against my wishes, but it's working okay, no s-w problems. So, to the question: If I click on a.jpg, it brings up the old Windows Photo Viewer which can then page forward or backward to see.jpg's,. Hp Elitebook 8560w User Guide here. CR2's, and.NEF's.
If I first click on a.CR2 or. Hp 50g How To Install Programs In Linux. NEF, it brings up another viewer, that the Program Manager calls 'Photo'. It also displays everything, but doesn't zoom from the mouse wheel. Better hurry up on your upgrade. There's likely going to be a big traffic jam as it gets close to zero hour.
Canon RAW Codec, free download. Raw codec software for Windows: Provides support in Windows for Canon RAW images (CR2) in Explorer with thumbnails and EXIF metadata. Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Get answers to your questions in our photography forums.
I was just reading an article in CNET, the Free Windows 10 will be running adds in the start up menu. Commercials in my operating system now.
Bad enough I see them on websites. Makes me think of an Adware virus. I am sure there will be a way to turn it off, but if I never install it, I don't have to deal with it. Hp 430 Drivers For Win7 there.
Installazione Stampante Canon Pixma Ip 2000 Drivers. One of the most annoying things on my Android Phone and Tablet is all the ads that get snuck in with software, one reason I uninstall a lot of software off my phone and tablet. Maybe it is a concept the younger generation did not grow up with, but I paid for the computer, I paid for the software, I don't want screen real estate and CPU being used for some company to market to me. I have Telemarketers already thinking the phone in my house is there ticket to market to me, most of android thinks my phone is their ticket to market to me. Most TV and Radio is almost at a 50/50 ads to content.
(Maybe I exaggerate) unless you use NetFlix. I put up with ads on some websites, many I close the window at the first pop up. How far off till commercials in your fridge, microwave, bed, car. My desktop and start menu on my computer, I am drawing the line in the sand. Free Windows 10. Guess I strayed way off I should include something about Canon Cameras, I don't want to see commercials in my view finder either. Lucky Canon has not gone there.
Jim Service - there's a registry tweak you can make to have Windows 10 open image files in the old (and now deprecated but still functional) Photo Viewer rather than the 'Photo' software. Google is your friend here. I upgraded from Windows 7 to 8 with the discount price offer, then to 8.1 and 10 via the free upgrades.
I don't see any ads anywhere - note that you can and should adjust the privacy settings on Windows 10. Also, none of these upgrades stopped ANY of my software working. The incompatibility FUD about Windows 10 is just that - FUD.