Create Dbf File With Php
So, there are 2 options if you want to create/read memo fields: 1. Installing Php Windows here. Use a library for java/c++/c# to build a bridge between php and dbf file. I've used dbf2java. Althougth it's not near complete as my other option, it's a good start. Connect.dbf file with PHP. Visual FoxPro >Visual FoxPro General. Visual FoxPro General https.

Acpi Smcf010 Driver Windows 7 Hp here. An Application Tutorial -- Creating The Database Developing a Database Application: The dBASE Plus Tutorial Ken Mayer, Senior SQA Engineer, dBASE Inc.
I have a shape file (shp) which is missing its dbf. I tried to load this into Postgis using shp2pgsql and got the error. Could not open shapename.dbf I opened it in QGIS, without issue, and when I clicked Open attribute table, I could see a column based on the shp's gid, but could not use the field editor to add a new field. Instead, I used, Save as and saved as a new shp file.
This new shp file, once added to the map, did allow me to add fields and I can now successfully load it into Postgis using shp2pgsql. Question: while the above works, it is a bit of a faff, and I am wondering if I have missed some obvious trick, either in shp2pgsql, QGis, ogr2ogr or some other application not mentioned. Shapefiles, by the specification, must have.shp,.shx, and.dbf. That QGIS can open an invalid shapefile is a nice extra. Adding a new field means that a.dbf file must be edited but in this case there is no.dbf to edit. Theoretically QGIS could keep the new schema in memory and create a new.dbf to suit the schema once shapefile is saved. However, this does not feel like a feature that is needed every day.