Download Canon Utilities Zoom Browser Ex Cannot Detect
Free Download ZoomBrowser EX 6.9.0a - The image management utility from Canon that can help you edit pictures.
Hi Katyboy, Is your notebook connected to AC power? If not, please do connect it. This will ensure it is adequately powered so it can properly work with the camera.
Do you have any other devices connected to your notebook? We only recommend, at least as a test this time, connecting the camera to the notebook. Other devices, such as printers, scanners and external drives may interfere with proper communication. Does your notebook make a sound when the camera is connected and powered on in playback?
It should make a sound, indicating that it at least detects the camera. If it does not, try connecting it to another USB port. What program are you using to attempt to download the images from the camera? If this is a time sensitive-matter, additional support options are available. My computer is plugged into the mains.

When I have the camera switched on I get the expected 2 tone noise when I plug it in and disconnect. If I plug it in first (before the camera is switched on) Ido not get the 2 tone noise until I turn the camera on. Free Program Agilent Chemstation Hplc Manual. I am downloading the program with the disk supplied by Cannon: Solution Disk 33.0 ZoomBrowser Ex 6.1. Canon Lbp2900b Driver For Windows 7 64 Bit here. Powershot Pro 70 Info File Canon Inc there. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling this program, but it makes no difference. Was able to download with no problem last time I tries, a couple of months ago.
I should also say that when I left click the computer 'Start' button and go to Computer I can see trhe Cdrive, th D (backup drive) and the E drive (DVD R/W drive), but not the Fdrive. Hope you can help. Thank you for your help, but the problem is fixed. First the F drive suddenly reappeared on my screen along with the other drives in 'Computer' Then I tried to fix the F drive by looking at the F drive in 'Portable Devices' in Device Manager, but it could not fix the problem. Then I restored the system from about 3 weeks ago. Could still see the F drive in Computer, and now was able to fix it in Portable Devices in Drive Manager.
Then the camera popped up next to the F drive in the prtable device listing & now I can download from the camera. Thank you for trying, but it looks as though perserverance, dumb luck and ignorance saved the day.
Still do not know why the F drive disappeared in the first place.
Hi all, I just upgraded to Windows 10, and immediatly ran into the problem that is described in this thread about Windows 8: After reading that thread I decided to unplug the other USB devices I had in the computer at the time (Garmin Watch, USB key, smart phone) and turn off the camera. I then turned on the camera and ran the EOS utility and it found my camera and worked correctly. Clearly this problem is still not resolved, but that simple work-around gets me downloading my pictures again. There are a lot of other things people tried in the above thread, but I just unplugged the USB devices and was good to go. Your option works. But i found another solution, bit of searching but it works.
Through the startup folder of windows the eos utility will auto start when starting windows. But if you edit the shortcut in the startup folder to start 'eos utility 2' (leave the rest of the shortcut in place) it will bring up the utility apparently in a different mode (or another version of it ) that will recognize the camera as soon as you conect it (and switch it on ) have not yey found out how to start it in the system tray but will keep looking. Having a similar issue on a Win10 PC - camera is recognized, but the EOS Utility will no longer download images from the camera. I have it set to execute automatically in the preferences, but it just won't work. In fact, the option to download is not even active on the EOS Utility window. (see screen shot) I tried the solutions above, inculding disabling all portable devices and trying different USB ports - in all cases the camera IS recognized but it simply will not download images - I can only retrieve them by removing the SD card from the camera and plugging it into the PC then copying from there.