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Installing PHP Extensions with MAMP Posted 5 years, 41 weeks ago. This last weekend, I decided to knuckle down and build an OAuth server in PHP. One thing that had kept me from doing it until now was that I didn’t have the required extension installed in my development environment. My development environment is ( not the PRO version), which I’m running on OS X Mountain Lion. The combination made it a little more difficult to install extensions than I would have liked (though I am a bit of a command line n00b, so I guess there’s that). So both to assist those who come after me, and also to remind me when I have to go through this again, here’s what I did. Install Command Line Tools First up we need to install the Command Line Tools that usually come with Xcode.
Regardless of whatever that previous sentence will have you believe, you don’t actually require Xcode to install them. If you have Xcode, installation is as simple as opening up Xcode, going into the Downloads pane of the Preferences, selecting components and installing “Command Line Tools”. It’ll take a couple of minutes or whatever, but then it’s done. Close Xcode and move on to the next step. If you don’t have Xcode, you first need to (you’ll need to if you haven’t already). Find the latest version of Command Line Tools for your version of OS X on that page and download them.
Once it’s done, open up the disk image and run the installer package. Additional Tools There are a few tools that we need which aren’t included in Apple’s little package. Fortunately, I managed to find which does all the heavy lifting.

I took that and turned it into a shell script that you can run with terminal., then unzip it and move it into your home folder. How To Install Hping3 On Centos 5. Open terminal and then simply run the following command (you might need to type in an administrator’s password at some stage): sh ~/ This will download and install all the tools included in the script. Once it’s done Terminal will display “Installation complete.” and throw you a new command prompt. Lexmark T644 Printer Service Manual. Once it’s done check the last few lines that have printed to the Terminal window. If you’re seeing a whole lot of “command not found” style errors on screen, you might need to open the script in a text editor and enter each line individually. I had to do this on one of my machines to get things working.
Preparing MAMP If you use OS X’s built in PHP server, you probably don’t need to go through this next part. Printer Cartridges For Epson Nx430. If, however, you’re using MAMP, then you’ll need to configure it to be able to install your extensions. Providing the PHP source Assuming you’ve already installed MAMP (it has an installer package, so it’s pretty easy), you’ll need to (under the heading “Source code”). Now go to Terminal and use the following command to navigate to the folder we copied. You might have to adjust it if your MAMP installation or version of PHP is different.
Cd /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/include/php Then configure it using this command:./configure It’ll build and run checks and eventually you’ll get a License and a thank you notice and you’ll get a new command prompt. Using the correct PHP installation Now that we have everything in place, we need to use the MAMP installation of PHP rather than the default OS X installation. We can change this pretty easily (again, adjust the path if necessary to that it points to your version of PHP): echo 'export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/bin:$PATH' >>~/.profile Now we just need to get Terminal to read in the new path variable.. ~/.profile And now we tell pear and pecl where our php.ini file is. You can find this by going to your MAMP installation’s phpInfo page – – and looking at the “Loaded Configuration File”. Then just run these two commands (adjusting depending on where your php.ini is located): pear config-set php_ini /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/conf/php.ini pecl config-set php_ini /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/conf/php.ini Install an extension There are two ways to install an extension: the shortcut and the full version.