Driver Hp Photosmart C5380 Windows 7

Download the latest driver for HP Photosmart C5380 Printer. Drivers are essential parts which your HP printer runs on to communicate with your computer. Therefore it is. HP Photosmart C5380 All-in-One Full Software Driver for Windows and Macintosh Operating Systems. How to install driver for HP Photosmart C5380 All-in-One.
This download includes the HP Photosmart Software Suite and Driver. If you only want the print driver (without the Photosmart Software Suite), it is available as a separate download named 'HP Photosmart Basic Driver.
Hi, I am looking for a driver to make work the scanner from the Photosmart c5380. In my quest to make this printer work on a Windows 8 system, i have tryed everything what was publisted on the HP website. Finnaly i got stuck here and managed to get work the printer part with the plc3 driver.
Web Php Sistem Kepegawaian here. I repair computers and install new ones at my clients. This client got a new computer from her daughter as present with newyear and this is a Medion with a Windows 8 Premium 64 bit system. Although HP marks a full working driver on her website, the software does not work. I can install the software, it asks for the usb connection, installs the driver (it looks like it) and finish the job. Hp Pavilion Dv1000 Video Card.
After restart i want to print a page, made in Word but then i get the message:'the printer is not installed'. (This is solved at this time) Then, when i want to scan a document, the scanner starts and stops in the middle of the preview scan. That is all the scanner does.(All started in the solution center). So, i want to know if there is a separate driver for the scanner available or a different solution for this, specific for the scanner. As a reseller and repairman, i want to say this to HP: Every time, a new operatingsystem of Windows is comming out, this mess begins all over again. For HP point of view it is easy to say to their customers, to buy a new printer, every time you change the system.
HP tells us, they work together with Microsoft to make things much easier but, from my point of view (considering, i can work very well with computers and software) the words 'much easier' do not match this coorporation. Not all people understand that they have to change a perfectly working printer because some company decide to bring out a new operating system. Is it so difficult to build printers who need only one (basic) driver and softwareinterface? This driver can be implemented in every system (also new ones). The announcement that MS did about Win8, that we can do the same things like with Win7, does taste very bad. And this is the fault of HP and MS together.
At this time, i am very disappointed in HP, that they not did there job well. When i resell a computer and have to install it at my clients home, the creeps come over me, when i hear asking to install the printer too, aspecially when it is a 2 year old HP.
In this case (c5380 with win8), i spend a lot of hours, to make this printer work and i get a lot of stress about it. If HP does not make work of the compatibility of the latest 3 year old printers, i choose an other brand to resell, that i can garanty. An other point: A few years ago, when Vista came out, people laughed about the ecological footprint they made, because a lot of XP-machines could not handel Vista and came in trash. MS did this once but HP does this every time, MS brings out a new OS. It is sad to see that HP not make the effort by making drivers and printers really compatible to different OS without a lot of hassle, as it only was for ecological reasons. I am sure, a lot of visitors of this site are agree with me.
At this time HP sucks for older printers.(on Win8). Hi, I spend more time at the problem and finally, i managed to solve the problem. It is a kind of silly what caused the error. My customer recently moved to a smaller home and she have 2 little dogs who damaged the original usb cable. The printer worked succesful on her old xp machine with this cable. So, she purchased a new usb cable and connected it to the printer/computer. Because the cable was new, i tought this cable was ok.