Hp Check Serial Number Server

So, I have about 300 servers that I need to check warranty 'end' date on, a compilation from all our data centers. I cant believe that your system doesnt allow lookup by serial number, all the g6 and g7 385's have 10 digit serial numbers like USE022N74K, every other server manufacture in our data.
Hi there, I don't think so with the serial number. But, if you get the server Model (ml350g4, ml150g2, etc) and maybe have a part number (123456-001), you could check the 'quickspecs' for the model info, which will list all the options for the server at that time - and if you're lucky maybe a SmartBuy model number that at least includes a few specific things included in that specific 'package'. Essentials Of Investments Zvi Bodie Pdf Printer on this page. Regardless, the quickspecs would be the way to go. Google the model number (ml350 g4) followed by quickspecs and you're sure to get results fast. Derek Balling wrote: No, and this is one area where HP could *really* take a cue from Dell. If I've got the Dell serial number, I can go to their web site, and it'll give me the 'as-shipped' specs for that box, including any/all options and customizations made to it on the factory floor. Doesn't seem like it should be all that hard for HP to do that, especially since they already keep track of that information in a database for support-verification purposes.
This is something that annoys me for years.: It won't be a big deal for you to get this feature implemented since the information about all the servers is already available. Download Game Real Football 2014 Untuk Hp Java 320x240. Please get this done.