Hp Jetadmin Solaris
UNIX (HP-UX and Solaris) Networks. HP JetAdmin allows you to configure the parameters of the HP JetDirect print server for Bindery and native Novell Directory. How to get HP Jetadmin working inside Solaris Container. I needed to build a print server and I had to use HP Jetadmin. I also wanted to use the Containers technology for the job.
My company is currently upgrading from Solaris 9 to Solaris 10. Our current Solaris 9 installation uses HP Jetadmin.
We pass some very specific options at the queue level (-o landscape -o fp14 -o vsi5.4 -o tm5) to our printers using the net_ljx000 driver to achieve the output we need. Here is a typical queue configuration from a Sol 9 environment: Banner: on Content types: simple Device: /dev/gboerp2 Interface: /usr/lib/lp/model/hpnpl/net_ljx000 Printer type: unknown Modules: Options: -o landscape -o fp14 -o tray2 -o lm2 -o vsi5.4 -o tm5 -o sbv Since jetadmin is not supported in Sol10, and we wish to use containers, we need to find another solution. These options are not supported in Solaris 10 using the standard.ppd files as far as we can tell.
We compiled CUPS on a Solaris 10 machine and came to the conclusion that even though it's superior, it still does not allow these options to be set at the queue level. This wasn't much of a surprise due to the use of the same.ppd files. We've also started to look into creating our own, or at least modifying the.ppd files for these printers.
We were successfull in setting things like toner density, input slot. Both of which are defined in the.ppd file which makes us think that things like landscape, and font pitch should also be possible here. Print filters are another thing we glanced. But just like editing the.ppd files, we're not sure if this is the correct avenue to pursue. Rhp Bearings Technical Handbook Rh. We're looking for someone with some experience on this topic. Maybe someone who has written or modified.ppd files or print filters I have included the configuration file below so you can see what the typical printer is set up from our Sol 10 envronment: Banner: off Content types: simple Device: /dev/null Interface: /usr/lib/lp/model/netstandard_foomatic Printer type: unknown Modules: Options: TonerDensity=1,InputSlot=Upper,dest=bnd4250,protocol=bsd PPD: /usr/lib/lp/model/ppd/system/foomatic/HP/HP-LaserJet_4100-hpijs.ppd.gz RE: Setting HP print options in Solaris 10?
(MIS) 21 Oct 09 18:50. I have no experience of CUPS under Solaris, but have used it quite a lot under Linux, a while ago.
Membuat Undian Dengan Php. At the time the HP.PPD files included with CUPS were pretty basic, a lowest-common-denominator version, and many of the non-HP printers were not catered for at all. But frequently you could download more specific PPDs from the printer vendors' sites.
Often you had to get it a roundabout way, by downloading MacOS drivers, or downloading and installing Windows drivers and then searching C: WINDOWS and subdirs for PPD files, or by downloading Adobe-specific driver packages, etc. Few vendors at the time listed them separately as PPD files, hopefully that has since improved. Anyway once you have the best ones for your printer they should cater for all of that printer's features. Changing the values in the PPD file specific to each printer queue is, I believe, a good approach. If you have trouble identifying them manually you may get some clues through the CUPS web administration interface for that printer, which should list all of the options in the PPD file in a human-friendly format. I used to do that for the initial configuration of a new breed of printer, and then use sed later on to make the same edits to the PPD files for the creation of subsequent queues (or copy and edit the 'master' PPD file in /usr/share/lib/cups or wherever and use the new version when creating new queues).