Hp Support Assistant Silent Install Ie11

I'm looking for a script or way to remotely uninstall HP Skyroom and HP Support Assistant from a PC. I'm in an enterprise and seriously would like not to have to touch hundreds of PC's individually. Has anyone else had success uninstalling these apps remotely? I have tested several so far with no luck. One called 'uninstallutility.hta' by Stuart Barrett looked promising. But failed on these psky HP apps. Hp Laserjet 1160 Driver Windows 7 64 Bit.
Both apps can be uninstalled via control panel. The folder path to the executable is: C: Program Files(x86) Hewlett-Packard HP Skyroom HP.Skyroom.exe and C: Program Files(x86) Hewlett-Packard HP Skyroom HP Support framework HPSF.exe Thanks in advance. Hmm, is it a 64bit machine by any chance? In that case location of the reg key would be a bit different and you would want to check this key Get-ItemProperty HKLM: Software Wow6432 Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall select DisplayName, UninstallString As you mentioned that you are seeing an uninstall in the Add/Remove Programs, you might want to try looking at 'Product' class of WMI as follows: gwmi Win32_Product ogv Just a bit a caution, If I remember correctly, there is a bug with that class and when you query it, it might go through reconfiguration of msi-installed packages. I believe MS recommended using Win32Reg_AddRemovePrograms, but that suggestion was kinda weird, because the class did not exist unless you installed a product from Microsoft. The app should be visible from wmic: wmic /node:computername product get name,vendor,version takes a little time.
Find the product and run f.ex this to uninstall: wmic /node:computername product where 'name LIKE 'HP Support%' call uninstall (after the% - single quote then double quote) This should uninstall all apps with names starting with HP Support Many machines, make a list containing the computer names. Put the wmic in a bat file (for better control and reuse) uninstallHPSUP.bat: @echo off wmic /node:%1 product get name,vendor,version call it like this: FOR /F 'tokens=1'%i IN (computerlist.txt) DO uninstallHPSUP.bat%i You could also start multiple uninstalls by putting START before wmic in the bat file or before the bat file in the FOR loop. Do a test on a couple of computers first.:).
Remote uninstalling HP Support Assistant and Skyroom. Strings so you can either uninstall silently or with user interaction. HP Support Assistant the new. HP Support Assistant is a software program developed by Hewlett-Packard. It is typically pre-installed with most new Hewlett-Packard computers. The most common release is, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version.
I was recently updating the HP Support Assistant on my HP Probook laptop. While attempting to run the install, I kept receiving the follow errors: The install log showed the following: Windows Installer installed the product.
Product Name: HP Support Assistant. Product Version: Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard Company. Intel Hd Graphics 4000 Driver For Windows 7 64 Bit Hp. Installation success or error status: 1639. Thankfully I came across the following article which helped clear things up: To resolve this problem, remove all special characters or extended characters in the company name. To do so, modify the registry entry for the RegisteredOrganization string value.