Hp Tuners Serial Number
I had my VCM flashed with a Tec2 and it looks like it left some memory in a random state. Using EFILive, my tuner made some changes and remembers EFILive doing something around memory settings. We tracked it down yesterday and it looks like EFI changed the VCM Serial Number to EF107C657411.

Telecharger Pilote Imprimante Epson Stylus C84. Donlot Permainan Tempel Rherus Untuk Hp Java. Correct, this is because when you do a single vcm license it locks to the pcm's serial number that is programmed into the pcm upon production otherwise whats to have someone simply put the same vin number into dozens of gto pcm's and tune them all for 2 credits?
Hp Officejet H470 Mac. That is actually a problem for me and I was wondering how I can change that back to the stock value. (have the value I need in an old configuration file) Is there a way with EFI (or some other tool) to change the VCM Serial number? Hello Fred007, I read your other post in the Forum - ”Help with locked calibration” to get a more complete understanding of the problem. Canon Mg 2100 User Manual. You had an LS1-B style PCM from a 2002 Corvette. You then had a local tuner: • flash a “stock” tune into the PCM using a Tech 2 • modify this stock tune using EFILive software You now want to use HPTuners software to make further tuning changes?