Hp Xp Pro Sp3 Oem Iso Software

Aug 27, 2008 Most Microsoft NFR software is Retail-like and uses Retail Keys. And, no, there's no Microsoft-approved place to download an XP Pro OEM ISO. If it's a major-brand PC (Dell, HP, etc.) you can try asking the manufacturer for a replacment disk.
Hp 650 Laptop Drivers Windows Xp. Welcome to BleepingComputer, a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers. Using the site is easy and fun. As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new topic or reply to an existing one unless you are logged in.
Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing to topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site. Or read our to learn how to use this site. I meant ** XP HOME ** not HP Home. Mod Edit: Changed title ~ Hamluis. I'm starting a new, streamlined thread, because my other one got SO convoluted.
I have an HP Pavilion 750n for my backup computer. My registry went completely wacko last year, including my original XP Home, because of a stupid uninstaller program, which I may have used stupidly in addition. So the guy who rescued me reinstalled XP Home using an OEM key.
I know it's not cool for me to have an OEM key, so I want my original HP key back on it. And no, I don't have the original HP disk (I bought the computer used), nor any recovery disks with the original HP key. Somebody recently loaned me an XP Home disk and said it was a 'generic retail disk,' but it looks like it IS an OEM disk. It says 'for distribution with a new PC only. For product support, contact the manufacturer of your PC.'
So no support from MS, thus it's not retail? But it doesn't say HP, nor any other brand. Could I use this for putting my HP key on the machine with a reinstall? (HP recovery disks for this old model are not available.) Thanks a lot.
Edited by hamluis, 09 August 2011 - 10:04 AM. Driver Hp Scanjet G3010 Win Xp there. Shopping Cart Source Code In Php Free Download on this page. Thank you, Eyesee! The CD does say SP2, but I'll be sure to d/l SP3 to a CD to install before going online with just SP2. Don't want any viruses, or virii either, for those who are sticklers for Latin. And extra thanks for the tip/link for the modem driver! AND a thanks to hamluis for changing my huge DUH of a mistake in the subject title. After all these posts, HP and XP start to run together.
This is one ex-cel-bleepin'-lent forum. Last question, which may be a tad off topic from this thread -- I want to first wipe my hard drive really well. Can I use a program of my choice such as Ccleaner, DBAN, etc. Or should I use the command prompt like I did for reinstalling Win 7?