Printer Spooler Service Repair Tool

Good morning AskPerf world! Jeff Hagler from the Performance team here to chat about printing. How many of you have ever dealt with an issue where you just knew that something was wrong with your print spooler but could not quite put a finger on it? Maybe print jobs were slow, certain users could print to some printers but not others, or maybe nobody could print at all? Back in the day, we included a tool with the called Cleanspl that was able to make sure that the spooler service was configured correctly and clear of any third party dependencies that may be referencing bad/missing files. Cleanspl is a great tool, but by being hidden in the resource kit, it was rarely used. Up until now, this tool did not exist/work in recent Operating Systems like Windows Server 2008.
Free fix for print spooler not running, spooler registry has changed, service unable to start, dll files deleted, it will help you to solved. Fix Printer Spooler. How to Fix a Print Spooler. Hp Deskjet 3816 Driver Windows 8. The print spooler helps your Windows computer interact with the printer, and orders the print jobs in your queue. About the print.
We are happy to announce the same functionality in Cleanspl (and a bit more) has been built into one of our Fixits that will run on Windows XP/2003 and Windows Vista/2008 and can be downloaded from. *UPDATE* As of today (4/24/2013), the Fixit for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 is now available! Direct link to Print Reset Full Mode – Direct Link to Print Reset Lite Mode – Related KB Article: You experience Print Spooler error messages after installing or upgrading a Third-Party print driver Please Note: All applications must be shut down before running the Fix It Solution.
Some applications will open a handle to the print spooler when running and this will prevent any cleanup from occurring. The Fix It Solution will not shut down any applications before the cleanup to prevent loss of data. Hp Compaq D230mt Drivers. This Fixit package consists of two modes: Light and Full. Light will make changes to the spooler that should not require your end user to make any changes, while the Full mode will restore the print spooler to defaults and will require a complete reinstall of your print drivers and printers. Think of the Light version as something you can run on any system (print server, terminal server, normal client system) as a first troubleshooting step, and the Full version as something to reserve for systems that get their printers and print drivers pushed down from Print Servers (via Group Policy and Point and Print). Let’s cover the key part of the previous statement again for Fixit 9662904 – do not run the Full version on a Print Server as it will delete all the printers.
Basically, it puts your Print Environment back to the way it was when the OS was installed. When you first run the Fixit on your system, you will be prompted with the normal installation/licensing agreement screens.