The Metal Lathe Gingery Pdf Printer

Feb 21, 2018 The lathe is known as the King of Machine Tools for a reason. If you’ve read the The Metal Lathe by David J. Nice thing about a lathe is it’s easy to. Driver Plotter Hp Designjet 800 Windows 7 64 Bit on this page. The Metal Lathe, Gingery David J, ISBN 1-878087-01-1.
[Makercise] has been last year. His videos on the process are by far the most detailed, clearly shot, and complete series on making a Gingery lathe we’ve come across. For those who aren’t familiar, the Gingery series of books describe how to build an entire machine shop’s worth of bench top tools using only the hardware store, dumpster dives, charcoal, and simple skills. The series of books start out with the charcoal foundry. [Makercise] has built a nice oil fired foundry already so it’s off to the next book, Gingery 2, is the metal lathe. The Gingery books and, really, most DIY books from that era are: not well laid out, well written, or even complete. All but the most recent prints of the series still looked like photocopies of typewritten documents with photos glued on.
Download Game Dance Untuk Hp Java. The series provided just enough detail, drawings, and advice to allow the hobbyist to fill in the rest. So it’s really nice to see someone work through the methods described in the book visually.
Seeing someone using a scraper made from an old file on aluminum to true the surface is much more useful than Gingery’s paragraph or two dedicated to the subject. [Makercise] is fast approaching the end of his lathe build. We’re not certain if he’ll move onto the Shaper, mill, drill press, brake, etc. After finishing the lathe, but we’re hopeful. The playlist is viewable after the break. Posted in Tagged,,,,,,,,, Post navigation.