Duty Memoirs Of A Secretary At War Pdf Printer

Duty tells a powerful and deeply personal story that allows us an unprecedented look at two administrations and the wars that have defined them. Book Genres: Biography, Non Fiction, History, Politics, War, Military, Autobiography, Memoir, Leadership, Military History. Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War is a nonfiction book written by Robert M. Gates, a former U.S. Secretary of Defense. It was published in January 2014 by Alfred A. The time period is from 2006 to 2011, and includes the George W. Bush administration (2006–2009), the Obama administration (2009–2011), the Afghan war, and the Iraq War.
355.6092 B E897.4.G37 A3 2014 Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War is a nonfiction book written by, a former. It was published in January 2014. The time period is from 2006 to 2011, and includes the (2006–2009), the (2009–2011), the, and the. Narrated in, this record of events characterizes Secretary Gates' personal interactions with the, 's management structure, some military bureaucrats and the White House staff under President Obama.
This memoir is also the first to recount the Obama administration’s policy discussions and debates during meetings. Contents • • • • Gates's commentary [ ] As expressed in the book, disagreements with Obama's and the other aforementioned organizations elicit strong emotions and criticisms from Gates. For example, President Obama's White House staff is seen as an imperious entity, who, as a group, are seen as 'micromanagers' that engaged in 'operational meddling'. Additionally, Vice President 's performance is criticized.
Yet, at the same time, Biden is personally held in high regard. Former Secretary of State 's is held in high regard professionally and personally. She in fact was usually in agreement with Gates on policy issues.
President Obama is judged favorably at first, and not so favorably by 2011. However, towards the end of the book, Mr. Gates states that Mr. Obama's decision to send a team after in was 'one of the most courageous decisions I had ever witnessed in the White House'. He also states that Obama's policy decisions pertaining to the 'overall Afghan strategy' were correct. He also criticizes the 's Afghan war,, and policies.
Gates's background [ ] Gates came to the Obama Administration as a 'respected professional and veteran of decades at the center of American foreign policy'. As a Republican, he also represented President Obama's policy of bipartisanism. Over time, however, his relationship with Obama and his staff devolved. Protracted policy disagreements with Vice President, (), and U.S. Army Lieutenant General (Afghan policy) are additionally recounted. External links [ ] • •.
Retrieved February 17, 2014. Jacket Copy section •. The New York Times.
January 8, 2014. Sunday Book Review. The New York Times. January 13, 2014. The Washington Post.
January 7, 2014. • January 14, 2014.
Download Nba 18 Update Hp Java 320x240 Zip. References [ ].
From the former secretary of defense, a strikingly candid, vivid account of serving Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. When Robert M. Gates received a call from the White House, he thought he’d long left Washington politics behind: After working for six presidents in both the CIA and the National Security Council, he was happily serving as president of Texas A&M University. But when he was asked to help a nation mired in two wars and to aid the troops doing the fighting, he answered what he felt was the call of duty. Hp Deskjet 910 Printer Drivers. Contoh Program Kasir Dengan Php Tutorial Video.