Install Apache Php Solaris 10 X86
May 13, 2011 Installing Apache and PHP on Solaris 11. Tags: apache php solaris11. I have previously posted steps in installing AMP for Solaris, its faster and easier way to install Apache, MySQL and PHP but in case you don’t like the package installation here is how to install it manually and individually. Actually, Apache (versions 1 and 2) does come standard with Solaris 10, although I can't remember which install distribution you have to choose.
As you can see CSW Apache is in a state of maintenance which is not good, you need to figure out why that is so. First place to look is the log file for that service. # svcs -l cswapache2 fmri svc:/network/cswapache2:default enabled true state online next_state none state_time Mon Apr 08 22: logfile /var/svc/log/network-cswapache2:default.log restarter svc:/system/svc/restarter:default contract_id 144 dependency require_all/none svc:/system/filesystem/local (online) dependency require_all/none svc:/network/loopback (online) And then look at the end of that file if that gives any clues. # tail /var/svc/log/network-cswapache2:default.log.

Recently I needed to install and configure a very basic installation of Apache webserver for a project I am working on. It was quite a simple process, so I decided to write this guide as an informal foray into getting Apache up and running quickly. First let’s see if it is installed or not. Bash-3.2# pkginfo -i grep -i sunwapch system SUNWapch2d Apache Web Server V2 Documentation system SUNWapch2r Apache Web Server V2 (root) system SUNWapch2u Apache Web Server V2 (usr) If Apache is not installed then you will need to install it from cd or a network installation source. For this example I am going to pretend we have a Solaris 10 OS disc mounted to /mnt/cdrom. Install the packages like so. Pkgadd -G -d /mnt/cdrom/Solaris_10/Product SUNWapch2u SUNWapch2r SUNWapch2d Once the Apache packages have installed properly we can begin with the configuration.
The quickest way to go about this is to use the example confguration file that is provided with the installation. Copy this file over.
Cp -p /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example /etc/apache2/httpd.conf The main configuration file for Apache is usually called httpd.conf, in this case it exists in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf. Probably the first thing you want to look at is the DocumentRoot directive. Open up /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and find this line. The DocumentRoot directive tells Apache what it should use for its root location to serve files out of.
For this version of Apache on Solaris the default is /var/apache2/htdocs – we are going to leave this default as is, but you could change it to whatever you want. Another directive you might want to look at is DirectoryIndex. This allows you to specifiy the filename of the html file that Apache should serve when a directory is requested. Driver Epson Stylus Cx7700 Para Windows 7.
If this file does not exist in that directory then a listing is automatically generated and served out instead. In most cases “index.html” is set as the default, so let’s also leave that as is. For now let’s check to make sure the service is not running, and then start it up and see if it works. Bash-3.2# svcs http STATE STIME FMRI disabled 15:08:47 svc:/network/http:apache2 bash-3.2# svcadm enable http bash-3.2# svcs http STATE STIME FMRI online 15:09:02 svc:/network/http:apache2 Ok it looks like it is running, go ahead and see if you can bring it up in a web browser. Try either the hostname or the ip address if attempting from another machine, or the localhost ( ) if you are attempting this on the system that is running Apache. For example you might put the following into the search bar in a browser when on the local machine: If Apache is running properly then it should display a basic page with links to the Apache home page.
Assuming everything is working you can now begin to build out your site and serve content. There are many ways you can setup and configure Apache, and a quick way to read up about how to make these configurations is to use the documentation that was installed in the SUNWapch2d package. This documentation is provided in html, and most likely going to be served out by Apache under the /manual alias. Try going to to see if the documentation is there.
Sharp Ar 5516 Printer Driver there. A note, serving of this documentation can be disabled in httpd.conf, search for ‘manual’ in the file. Be sure to check out the official site for more information.